Tag Archives: innovation

Introducing Systematic Review Assistant

I’ve been busy. Since July last year all my spare time has been taken up with a new initiative which I am now proud to launch into “early beta”: a systematic review assistant to help perform the laborious task of … Continue reading

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Pip’s Maker Project – Stirling Engine #1

Yesterday I received a long-awaited package from overseas: my first Stirling Engine! I became fascinated by them a few years ago, when I discovered this “long lost” invention from 1816 which I think when combined with modern materials and manufacturing could … Continue reading

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From Desktop to Dashboard – Your Car is the New Digital Frontier

After several years of incremental developments, the world of in-car technology is about to explode into the consumer market. Just as the general public have adapted to managing and exploiting the myriad functions of desktops, smart phones and tablets, they … Continue reading

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Techniques in Fostering Innovation

In this article on Deepend’s Chrysalis, I’d like to present some of the interesting topics which have surfaced at Deepend while implementing a drive to foster a culture of innovation in our organisation. These include dealing with failure, redefining the … Continue reading

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End of the road?

After a few tense days of radio silence, Mignon and “The Internets” team finally arrived in Darwin safe and in one piece! The guys have had a blast, smashed their $20,000 fundraising target and are happy the shitbox and its … Continue reading

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And they’re off! The rally to the future begins…

The Shitbox Rally is finally underway – Dave and Matt picked up “Mignon” in Perth yesterday and drove down south to literally get some new wheels, while us back-room boys hurried to reassemble the ridiculous plethora of technology covering the car. … Continue reading

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Shitbox Rally – this shit just got real

Our unmovable hardware deadline has passed! “The Internets” team car Mignon is now winging its way to Perth for the start of the Shitbox Rally. Well, when I say winging it’s more like trundling its way locked inside a steel … Continue reading

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Shitbox Rally – Telemetrics, Cancer, 4,000kms

As if I wasn’t busy enough already… with three jobs, a never-ending house reno and a list of unfinished personal projects stretching back to my teens. So of course, I’ve got involved in a new crazy venture which has led … Continue reading

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Brain control interfaces (BCI) update: Deepend Lunch and Learn

Following on from my previous post on BCI, I’d like to share a Lunch & Learn session I presented at Deepend on the topic with my partner Gen. Gen and her colleagues at Macquarie University have been investigating the Emotiv … Continue reading

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TEDx Sydney 2012: A Deepender’s Perspective

TEDxSydney started off on a high note for me, as I arrived already feeling like a hero.   The Deepend Light Lounge (aka our late christmas party) had gone on deep in to the previous night which meant it was … Continue reading

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